terça-feira, 2 de fevereiro de 2016

Bolo de Ananás e Chantilly || Pineapple-Chantilly Cake

Um bolo que tem tanto de bom como de tradicional!

A cake that is as good as traditional!



  • 6 ovos
  • 360g de farinha
  • 360g de açúcar
  • 150ml de leite
  • 2 colheres (chá) de fermento
  • 50g de açúcar
  • 50ml de água
  • calda de uma lata de ananás
  • 300g de natas vegetais para pastelaria
  • 1 lata de ananás grande
  • cerejas em calda q.b.
(cake) 6 eggs, 360g all-purpose flour, 360g white sugar, 150ml whole milk, 2 tspoons baking powder
(syrup)50g white sugar, 50ml water, pineapple juice from a pineapple slices can
(chantilly) 300g dairy free whipping cream (pastry cream)
(assemble)1 can of pineapple slices in juice, cherries in syrup as needed


Pré-aqueça o forno a 180ºC. Unte duas formas de 20cm de diâmetro e forre o fundo com papel vegetal.
Bata as claras em castelo com o açúcar até obter um merengue brilhante e firme.
Junte as gemas, uma a uma. Envolva a farinha e o fermento e o leite.
Leve ao forno a 180ºC, até estar cozido.

Ferva todos os ingredientes e reserve.

Bata as natas até ficarem em chantilly bem firme.

Pique o ananás, deixando duas rodelas, e reserve.
Corte os dois bolos ao meio, obtendo 4 discos de bolo.
Coloque o primeiro disco no prato, pincele com a calda e cubra com chantilly. Disponha 1/3 do ananás picado.
Coloque o segundo disco de bolo. Pincele novamente com calda, cubra com chantilly e mais 1/3 do ananás.
Coloque o terceiro disco. Pincele com a calda e cubra de igual forma.
Coloque o último disco e pincele com calda.
Cubra todo o bolo com o chantilly e refrigere para estabilizar.
Cubra o rebordo do topo com chantilly, pedaços de ananás e pedaços de cerejas.


Preheat oven to 180ºC. Grease two 20cm's baking pans and line the bottom with parchment paper.
Whisk the egg whites with sugar until you get a glossy meringue.
Add the egg yolks, one by one. Fold in the flour, baking powder and milk.
Bake at 180ºC, until it gets cooked.

Boil all ingredients and set aside.

(whipped cream)
Whisk the cream until you get a strong chantilly.

Chop the pineapplem leaving two slices, and set aside.
Cut the cakes in half, getting four cake discs.
Place the first disc on the serving dish, brush with the syrup and top with whipped cream and 1/3 of crushed pineapple.
Place the second cake disc. Brush again with syrup, cover with whipped cream and another 1/3 of crushed pineapple.
Place the third disc. Brush with the syrup and top the same way.
Place the last disc and brush with syrup.
Cover the whole cake with whipped cream and cool to stabilize.

Cover the top edges with whipped cream, pineapple and cherry pieces.

2 comentários:

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