Uma tradição modificada...
A modified tradition ...
- 800g de bolachas torradas
- 450g de manteiga sem sal bem fria
- 400g de açúcar
- 400g de chocolate
- 8 gemas
- café espresso q.b.
- vermicelli de chocolate q.b.
800g petit-beurre cookies, 450g unsalted butter very cold, 400g white sugar, 400g chocolate, 8 egg yolks, espresso coffee as needed, chocolate vermicelli as needed
Comece por derreter o chocolate, em banho-maria. Reserve.
Num processador de alimentos, bata a manteiga com o açúcar e junte o chocolate. Processe até obter um creme suave. Junte as gemas e processe novamente.
Comece então a montar o bolo: molhe as bolachas no café e disponha-as, lado a lado, para formar um bolo rectangular. Barre a superfície das bolachas com um pouco do creme preparado.
Repita o processo de molhar as bolachas, montar e barrar com creme até ao fim dos ingredientes.
Termine com o bolo barrado no topo e coberto com vermicelli de chocolate.
Termine com o bolo barrado no topo e coberto com vermicelli de chocolate.
Leve ao frio até ficar bem sólido e parta rectângulos individuais.
Sirva fresco.
Start by melting the chocolate in a water bath. Set aside.
In a food processor, mix the butter with the sugar and add the chocolate. Process until you get a smooth mixture. Add the egg yolks and process again.
Then start to assemble the cake: wet cookies in coffee and arrange them side by side to form a rectangular cake. Frost the surface of the cake with a little of the mixture prepared.
Repeat the process of wet cookies, assemble and spread with frosting until the end of the ingredients.
Complete the cake frosting the top and covering it with chocolate vermicelli.
Take to the fridge until it's solid and cut it in individual rectangles.
Serve chilled.
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